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Thank you for considering new or renewal membership to NANAINA. Membership benefits include tax deduction, discounts, voting privileges, and committee work. Please complete the application indicating the appropriate membership category, provide supporting documentation as required, and submission of membership dues. Upon review by the Membership Committee, applications will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for consideration. New applications are reviewed and approved on an on-going basis. Annual Membership Dues are not pro-rated. NANAINA Membership includes annual dues.

Please choose the appropriate membership level for you.

Full Name
Mailing Address
Membership Information 

I am willing to participate in the following committee(s):

How do you plan to pay?

Make checks payable to:
National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association

Send registration and fees to:
Sandy Littlejohn
NANAINA Treasurer
305 Adams St
Brownsville, MN 55919

Agree to Terms 

I understand that I will have to pay for my membership and I am not a member until payment has been processed.